"I don't know how to thank you", I said as tears rolled off my chin and splashed into my lap. "I love you", God said. And I felt the truth of that declaration so strongly, as His eyes looked deep into my soul. "Of course I'm going to keep trying until I get through to you. I understand there is noise, and distractions that appear to create barriers to my communication with you. But if you are willing to listen, I can always get through."
God was certainly right about that. Often I find that even in the quietest moments of life there is never really silence; I pick up on the soft chirping of a bird in the distance, the faint honking of a car horn, the constant whirring of the fan as it blows to create a welcome breeze on a stuffy summer night, the rhythm of the inhaling and exhaling of my lungs as they instinctively take in oxygen, and sometimes even the beating of my own heart.
I frequently get distracted by the "voices" of society, that presumtiously declare the definition of what is right and true, and fair and acceptable. On occasion, the many "voices in my head"...my wishes and dreams, my plans and expectations, my will...sometimes collide with the voice and will of God, which He promises will ultimately bring me the most peace and happiness that can be experienced in this mortal life.
I used to view God's will for me in a broad sense, one that left me in control as long as I stayed within certain boundaries and guidelines...be kind, serve others, be obedient, strive to be happy, in short: be a decent human being...but I find He desires to be so intimately involved in my life, there is guidance and direction given in even the tiniest details if I allow it.
I feel such gratitude. There are no words to express how thankful I am that "I matter to Him."
Every aspect of my life is important to Him; the most powerful being in the universe is mindful of my fears, my weaknesses, my struggles, my feelings. No matter how small a concern, if it's important to me, it's important to Him. He sees the end from the beginning. He knows what's in my best interest, what will help me grow stronger. He knows how to protect me, and what will bring me true happiness. I am grateful for His guidance...and I love Him, and trust Him more than I have words to express. So, I've decided I won't hesitate to listen for, and follow His direction even if it means standing alone, changing my plans or stepping outside of my comfort zone. Because HE is worth it.