I was really feeling the weight of the load I was carrying. Suddenly, I couldn't stop my body from collapsing. My legs gave out as the last bit of energy seeped from me and I hit the ground with a hard thud. "I'm so weary...it's way too much" I thought, as I lay there trying unsuccessfully to hold back the flood of tears that flowed down the side of my head into the cold, wet grass beneath me. I closed my eyes and let out a long deep sigh.
I had not an inkling as to how long I laid there before I felt an arm gently slide under my head. It seemed to require more strength than I could muster to open my eyes and identify the one who had come to my aid, but I knew it was Him.
"That was a hard fall", God said. "But you're going to be okay." He didn't try to move me, or take the load off of me; there was no lecture or criticism. He just sat beside me, and in His kind and gentle way He took my hand in His, and softly stroked my head.
"It's too heavy," I said in a barely audible whisper. "I know," He said. "I understand how crushing a heavy load can be." As more time passed, I became conflicted about wasting so much of it, while wanting so desperately to lay there forever feeling the comfort that only He could provide.
"The pain I feel while carrying this load is pretty intense", I finally admitted, "but I just try to ignore it and keep going so I can get there faster. I just want to be done."
"Dear child", He said, "The pain, whether physical or emotional, is not to be ignored. It's a defense mechanism that alerts you to injury and is intended to protect you from further damage...a signal to stop and pay attention, and seek necessary aid. To ignore pain is harmful and irresponsible, and prolongs the healing process. I wouldn't force you to stop, but until you do I can offer no relief. The journey is long. You must stop at reasonable intervals for help and healing, or you will surely perish".
I guess "sometimes you have to fall down, because there's something down there you're supposed to find" (Author unknown). I found insight and inspiration, wisdom and greater understanding. I found rest and peace, and comfort and courage. I found perspective...and I found a reminder that life's most difficult moments bring Heaven's most incredible blessings.
very wise words. I hope you can feel comforted in your trials