Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I Didn't See THAT Coming

In the beginning I was lost for awhile. There was an obvious course of action staring me in the face, but I was overwhelmed by the super human effort it would require. I kept begging God to "please help me!"and for a few minutes I would be filled with peace and the assurance that "I would be OK". But the panic kept sneaking up on me, and grabbing me by the throat and the peace would flutter away like a startled butterfly. One day, in a moment of overwhelming despair, I asked God "How do you expect I'm going to be able to pull this off? I just don't even get how it's possible." and He quietly confirmed to me I was right...it wasn't possible and He didn't expect it of me. HE had a different plan and was just waiting for me to quiet down long enough to hear it. I had to be very quiet for what felt like an eternity.

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