Saturday, October 24, 2015

Stand Aside

"I don't know how much more I can take" I whispered under my breath. "The weight is crushing me."

"You want to tell me about that?" God said as He walked over and sat beside me.

"I'm weary", I stated rather matter of factly. "My mind is consumed with worry and concern, and I can't stretch myself thin enough. I see what needs fixing, but it's too big and overwhelming so I shut down and avoid it...all of it. But my brain doesn't seem to realize my heart is in "over my head". It just keeps reminding me about the "mountain of hopeless-mess" that's staring me in the face. I feel like I'm drowning in the emotional sea of life".

God didn't say anything. He just listened and leaned in a little closer to pull me into a hug. We sat completely silent for a really long time, and my anxiety melted like ice cream in the heat of the summer sun. I love sitting with God. Having Him with me is as calming as the waves crashing on the ocean shore, and as warm and comforting as an oversized soft blanket straight from the clothes dryer. With God beside me, nothing feels overwhemling or scary. He is my best friend.

Then quietly, the answer came. "My child, change your view. Let the burden you carry go...this isn't about you. You are not that powerful. Give up your selfish pride. This test is for someone else. You must stand aside."

Sometimes I do find myself feeling extreme sadness, anger or even fear, about how circumstances surrounding other people are affecting me. The emotion consumes me and I find I've made myself to be a victim of their circumstances. Time and time again, I make it "all about me". But I'm discovering there is wisdom in learning not to internalize other people's trials. While God does expect us to "mourn with those that mourn" and "comfort those that stand in need of comfort", we must not stand in the way while He lifts and comforts, and strengthens and teaches in a way that only He has the power to do.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Are You Brave Enough To Ask?

"What now?" I asked.

"Yes", God said, rather emphatically. "That is the question you must ask...with sincerity...and with real intent. Mere curiosity will not be enough for you to recognize the answer. And you would do well to start day you will be grateful you asked."

"That's it? You're not going to give me anymore?" I asked.

"Yes, that's it" God quietly stated as He lovingly wrapped His arm around my trembling shoulders . "It's in your hands now". And with that, He turned and walked away.

What now. I had no idea what that meant. My life had taken so many twists and turns, and now...

Suddenly I felt lighheaded my heart began pounding, and I couldn't help but feel the pressure of fear and uncertainty wildly take control of me. "This is too much; maybe I don't want to know," I whispered to myself...and the fear won, beating the will of God into the dark, blank corners of my mind.

Days and weeks passed as slowly as a bitter cold winter before I gained enough courage to approach God with an open humble heart. He obviously loved me enough to give me a heads up...and if I trusted Him as much as I professed to, I knew deep down that avoiding the question was really not an option. I knew that He knew I would regret not taking His advice.

And now there are unforseen "forks in my road of life". But the impulse to move ahead in haste, has been replaced with the desire to pause as I ask "what now?" with sincerity, and with real intent to follow His will. I plead with God in my personal prayers day and night, and I ponder as I study the scriptures. And my mind is enlightened with "clues" that I might have otherwise missed.

I think God was right. One day, when I can look back, I believe I will be grateful that I asked. But for now, I am humbled that He loved me enough to extend the invitation.