Thursday, November 21, 2013

When The Dust Finally Settles

"I never thought I'd be grateful for demolition", I said. "It seems like a strange thing to toss it into the blessing category. While I can't say I am grateful for the shock, the pain and the confusion I felt, I can say I'm grateful for the work I've done...for the experience as a whole. No one can look at me and see anything any different...except maybe bigger, blacker bags under my eyes and an increase in wrinkles and grey hair, but I feel so completely transformed on the inside. And it happened so subtly that the realization of it surprised me. The sorting and sifting has been so hard and taken so long, but I'm seeing a clearing that's growing more and more noticeable with each passing day. I see 'a light at the end of the tunnel' and it's not a freight train"! God stood silent, letting my words settle deep into my own heart. I think this was a moment He'd been patiently waiting for...not for His benefit, for He knew where this work was taking me; but for the peace He understood was mine to grab and hang on to, lest it be left unprotected and drowned by colossal waves of doubt and despair He knew would surely come. 

"You have worked hard my child", He said. "And there is no other way. No one can do this for you. You alone are responsible for the work, though you don't have to stand alone to do it. This is your stuff. It's accumulated over the course of your life. Some of it was needed when you were a youngster, but now needs to be discarded as it has become useless in your life as an adult."

"Some of it doesn't even belong to you...others have taken advantage and placed it on you, knowing full well that you wouldn't question. It's still theirs and it's time for you to let it go. You've put it leave it with me."

"Some of it is messy leftovers someone else left on your path of had no choice but to walk through it and it clung to you like sticky black tar, making your travel much more burdensome. Stay with me...I have the ability to remove that and make it easier for you to move ahead." 

"And some of it you've had to carry, the consequence of sins you've committed along the way. It's such unnecessary weight. You can leave that here with me as well. If you allow me to walk with you, I will gladly share your burden, and upon your request, daily take from you the things that are not necessary for you to carry."

So much love I feel from God...and I don't even have to earn it. He loves me because I am His child. Period. How can I feel anything but deep gratitude for such unconditional love, coming from the most powerful being in the universe, who chooses simply to be called Father. I am so blessed.

 Matthew 11:28-29
Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.  

Come…approach me, make yourself available, reach out for me, need me, extend your hand to reach for mine, confess your sins, humble yourself, repent!

All ye that labour and are heavy laden…loaded with physical, emotional, mental or spiritual burden

And I will give you rest…I will give you…not make you earn…rest… trust me…just lean all your weight on me and I will support you.

Take my yoke upon you....Humble yourself…I’m reaching out to you…be willing to accept me, my strength, my power, my help, my love
and Learn of me…read and study about me…follow me…stay with me, I’ll show you, I’ll help you
for I am meek and lowly of heart…I am gentle and humble, kind and loving, accepting, friendly
And ye shall find rest…comfort…peace…calm and quiet…strength and hope…freedom from trouble, anxiety, troubled thoughts/emotions
unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

*  Never let an earthly circumstance disable you spiritually. 
*  No matter the size of the issue, how we respond can reset the course of our life.
*  Don’t just endure…endure righteously

Matthew 11:28-29

How can I help you?
Impatience, anger and attitudes
Boiling in your heart and mind
Are clouding up your view.

How can I help you?
Distractions, haughtiness and pride
Build up a wall of stubbornness
To silence desperate cries.

How can I help you?
Discouragement, uncertainty and fear
Are choking out your will to thrive;
My voice you cannot hear.

I cannot help you…
Until I hear your desperate knock;
For I would never force a mule
To yoke up with an ox.

-Karla Claybrook

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